“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
- Thomas Edison
Proudly serving the Cambria County Area for over 35 years.
Our philosophy
Driven By Experience.
When we think of what makes Espe Chiropractic Health Center different, and what we believe special, is the level of concern in making each and every one of our patients the very best they can possibly be.
It actually starts in the waiting room. We insist that our Doctors retrieve the patients from the waiting room…personally. Reason being is the analysis starts by observing them in the position of sitting, the movement of rising from the chair, and how they walk to and past the Doctor into the treatment room. The analysis continues in the treatment room by observation upon sitting along with verbal questioning, and really listening to what the patient has to say. Also, if there is a spouse or family member with the patient, we ask the patient if they could join us for more information concerning the health and well being of said patient.
This analysis is performed with every single patient, on every single office visit.
Another important policy of our office is to reanalyze each patient every time they are seen, whether it is their first visit or their 100th.
Things change, that is the fact of the matter, and we must adapt our treatment to the current set of indicators…no assumptions, pure fact.
Treatment schedule is determined after each visit, based on present condition.